A Wooly Spring is a project from the Stitching Among Friends group! The kit includes the cotton background fabric and wool for my 9" x 12" section. The kit/pattern prices are discounted through the duration of the program. AND... you get a discount when you buy the Valdani (size 12) thread kit! Threads I used are: 8113, O154, O86, P4, and O548. Substitutes are sometimes necessary, but I'll do my best to send the ones listed here.
Order from the rest of the designers by following these links:
Emily – Red Button Quilt Co. – www.redbuttonquiltco.com
Jeni - Woolen Willow Designs - www.woolenwillowdesigns.com
Jill – Yellow Creek Quilt designs – www.yellowcreekquiltdesigns.com
Katie – Pieceful Gatherings – www.piecefulgathering.com
Deb – The Cottage Rose – www.cottagerosequiltshop.com
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